Calorique’s Perfectly Clear Deicing Systems are the most advanced ice and snow prevention products on the market today ! Our products are superior and certified for quality, performance and safety. Established in 1980, Calorique has a reputation for efficient, maintenance free and easy to install products.
A variety of applications are available for Roof De-Icing, Gutter and Downspout Heat, and Concrete Embedded Heat for concrete walkways, driveways, and passageways.
Perfectly Clear Roof Deice System eliminates dangerous buildup of ice dams, snow and icicles where installed. Perfectly Clear Roof De-Ice modular panels feature a very thin profile, which is completely concealed whether being retro-fit under existing asphalt roof shingles or when installed during new asphalt roof shingle installation. The 120V panels come in various lengths of 3’, 4’, 5’, 10’, 20’ and 25’ and easily plug together to fill most any problem area. This includes Valleys too because our Valley modular panels are 10” wide and are manufactured in 3’, 5’ and 10’ lengths. Where should you place the heating panels??? – the answer is in any dangerous snow and ice dam build up areas – typically the north facing side of your building, 2 or 3 courses up at the eave. A 15 year limited warranty covers this robust heating product. Our special water tight connectors plug in to each panel and have been specially designed to insure a mistake proof and proper installation. No nailing required with this product – a simple release liner is pulled back to provide a unique robust adhesive simply and easily installed by pressing down – plus our product includes a wind certification of 110 MPH. Concealed, silent, safe and evenly distributed heat with a flammability rating of 5VA (UL94) completes the product. At -8 degrees Fahrenheit Perfectly Clear gently reaches 34 Degrees Fahrenheit providing the best ice dam prevention on the market and… runs at less than 10 Watts per linear foot.
Perfectly Clear Gutter and Downspout Heat Ribbons are essential for keeping gutters and downspouts clear of ice, icicles and snow. Due to the amorphous metal heating technology, installing and operating gutter and downspout ice/snow melting systems is practical, affordable and easy. Falling ice, icicles and snow is dangerous to everything below. That’s why our De-icing Ribbons help you stay safe and can help reduce liability for both residential and commercial buildings. This product is designed for outdoor use with UV and FR additives to withstand sunlight exposure and resistance to fire. Unlike skinny cables, there is no need for multiple runs of this 1 ¼” wide product – just one pass in a 4” to 6” gutter is all that’s needed. Corrosion free metal clips for fastening in the belly of the gutter are provided in each box. Perfectly Clear Gutter and Downspout Heat Ribbons are flexible and easy to install – they easily contour, making 90 degree angle turns and bend easily for dropping down leaders. Perfectly Clear De-ice Ribbons are robust and are designed to be installed right into the frost line directly into the well at the bottom of the leader. Our robust heating ribbons perform flawlessly and feature a 15 year limited warranty. Complete installation instructions and warranty registration are included in every box. Perfectly Clear Gutter and Downspout Heat Ribbons are available in 120V standard lengths of 15’, 20’, 25’, 35’, and 50’. 240V products are available in 50’, 70’ and 100’ lengths.
Perfectly Clear Concrete Embedded Heat is designed for any concrete passageway. Specially designed 240V heated mats are rolled out and installed prior to concrete pour or paver installation. The dangers of snow and ice are problematic for any outdoor surface. Our Deicing Systems eliminate the stress and worry involving the most hazardous conditions for outdoor surfaces. Calorique’s Concrete embedded Deicing System is an affordable and simple alternative to keep your concrete surfaces, paver walkways and passageways, industrial /commercial driveways, roadways, and walk ways snow and ice free. Specially designed 240V mats simply unroll for easy installation. Pavers, patios, walkways, sidewalks, passageways, driveways, parking areas can all benefit with Calorique’s robust Heating System. Deicing Systems by Calorique provide peace of mind to homeowners and business owners. Heating mats come in standard widths of 11”, 22”, and 34” in various lengths of 2’,4’,5’,6’,7’,8’,9’ and 10’. Custom sizes can also be manufactured.
Calorique recommends a convenient programmable controller as an accessory to our Deicing Systems. The accessory Controller includes 2 sensing devices – one for outside air temperature and one for moisture. Using readings from the temperature and moisture sensors, the controller ensures economical control of the power consumption while keeping outdoor surfaces, roofs and gutters free of ice and snow. As soon as moisture is detected in conjunction with lower temperatures, the ETO2 controller activates the snow-melting system. Once the sensor has dried out, the thermostat immediately goes into “after run” and the system continues to provide heat for a set time. Whether you are away or sleeping – this sensing accessory automatically works for you. We cannot change the weather however you can control the consequences. For concrete embedded deice systems, this accessory would include a ground temperature sensor which measures moisture and temperature – an excellent choice for rapid temperature drops.