Flexwatt Reptile Heat Tape by Calorique will enable you to maintain the ideal temperature to keep your pet healthy, comfortable, and active. Flexwatt Reptile Heat Tape simulates a naturally occurring sun warmed basking site that your reptile will benefit from. Our advanced Flexwatt Reptile Heat Tape allows for evenly distributed belly heat which in turn allows your herps to properly thermo-regulate. Flexwatt Reptile Heat Tape is the only heat tape available with a flame retardant coating which can be identified by its yellow backing. With 30 years of experience and a complete 5 year warranty, Calorique offers state of the art technology with every pet warming system.
- Healthy & safe
- Flame retardant coating
- Eco-friendly
- Affordable
- Blissfully simple to install
- Flexwatt reptile heat tape is good for your herps!
- Preferred heating option for over 25 years by reptile hobbyists and breeders alike
- Perfect for rack systems and custom caging
- Made in USA
- For indoor use only
- UL recognized
- Distributes heat evenly – no hot spots
- Low operating cost
- No maintenance required
- Flexwatt improves circulation, digestion, comfort, and immune system function
- Safe to touch
Need more info? Questions?
- Specifications
USA Products:
REPTILE HEAT TAPE: Product Code: IND17P10W120V
17” wide element, 10 W/Panel, @120 Volt
(Panelized – Panel length 12.6 inches)
(Maximum length – 48 feet) Product Code: IND11-20W120V
11” wide element, 20 W/Lin. Ft. @120 Volt
(Continuous heater)
(Maximum length – 24 feet) Product Code: IND11P20W120V
11” wide element, 20 W/Panel (Panel length 12.6 inches), @ 120 Volt
(Panelized – Panel length 12.6 inches)
(Maximum length –24 feet) Product Code: IND2-4W120V
2” wide element, 4W/Lin.Ft @ 120 Volt
(Continuous heater)
(Maximum length – 120 feet) Product Code: IND3-6W120V
3” wide element, 6 W/Lin. Ft. @120 Volt
(Continuous heater)
(Maximum length – 80 feet)Product Code: IND3-10W120V
3” wide element, 10 W/Lin.Ft. @120 Volt
(Continuous heater)
(Maximum length – 48 feet)Product Code: IND4-5W120V
4” wide element, 5 W/Lin. Ft. @120 Volt
(Continuous heater
(Maximum length – 96 feet)Product Code: IND4-8W120V
4” wide element, 8 W/Lin. Ft. @120 Volt
(Continuous heater)
(Maximum length – 60 feet)Product Code: IND6-9W120V
6” wide element, 9 W/Lin. Ft. @120 Volt
(Continuous heater)
(Maximum length – 53 feet)ACCESSORIES:
- FC-1001 Crimp Connectors Boxes of 500 Each
- COR-7 Two Conductor Power Cord – 6’ Long BLACK
- FRD-TAPE-1 3M Electrical Tape 1” wide x 10’ long
- FCT-104 Crimp Tool – Calibrated to make sure full connection is made
Product Code: IND4-8W230V
10cm wide, 350 W/M2 @ 230 Volt
(Continuous heater)
(Maximum length – 153 feet)Product Code: IND11P20W240V
28cm wide element, 268 W/M2 @ 220 Volt
(Panelized – Panel length 32 cm)
(Maximum length – 115 feet)Product Code: IND13-11W240V
33cm wide, 119 W/M2 @ 240 Volt
(Continuous heater)
(Maximum length – 87 feet)Product Code: IND13-22W240V
33cm wide, 238 W/M2 @ 240 Volt
(Continuous heater)
(Maximum length – 43 feet)ACCESSORIES:
- FB-1001 Plastic Insulators Bags to 250 Each
- FC-1001 Crimp Connectors Boxes of 500 Each
- COR-8-UK-2 conductor power cord Type G
- FRD-TAPE-1 3M Electrical Tape 1” wide x 10’ long
- FCT-104 Crimp Tool – Calibrated to make sure full connection is made
- Sales Documents
- Technical Documents
- Pictures and Videos
- Testimonials
Flex-watt has warmed the bellies of thousands of our herps for over 22 years without incident. Over 1000 feet of their 3″ product has stood the test of time at my facility. My experience can be your experience.”
Ron Tremper
Center for Reptile & Amphiiban Propagation
www.leopardgecko.comI have been using genuine Flexwatt in all of my racks and incubators since I started my business 5 years ago. With thousands of racks and incubators on the market my reputation is on the online. Only genuine Flexwatt for me!
Chris Nettles
CSerpents Racks and Hot Box Incubators
www.cserpents.com & www.hotboxincubators.com